Amiga to win95 SLIP written by LFO of Phuture 303 ------------------------------------------------- Introduction ============ Want to surf on your amiga with SLIP? dont wont to install linux on your pc? It's possible to set up SLIP on win95! Don't know how? Then here's how i did it! Requirements ============ A PC running win95/98 with an internet connection An Amiga A null modem cable Some paitience software you will need on the PC: Winproxy (you can get a 30 day trial of winproxy on software you will need on the Amiga: Miami 3.x (you can get a timelimited trial version of miami from Any internet applications you wish to use on the amiga. Discalimer ========== I'm not reponsible for anything you do, any data loss or anything at all :) Setting it all up ================= first i'll explain my setup so you can see how you setup may differ in configuration. I run an ethernet lan on the pc's with an ip of 90.0.0.x and a subnet mask of , this ensures that the machines are unreachable from the outside world. The server (machine connected to the internet) is multihomed, that means theres more than one ethernet card in the box and more than one ip on the machine. Im using a lan/cable connection to the internet and my isp dns is on 10.x.x.x, however this setup should still work if you are using a dialup modem from the pc. setting up on the pc: Even if you are not running an ethernet lan, give your server (machine with modem) an ip address of subnet mask and your other machines (pc's) subnet mask and so on. (this is done in the network properties found in the control panel) With the power off on both machines, plug in your null modem cable and test it between the amiga and pc (use some terminal programs to make sure its working) copy the nullmodem driver (included with this archive) to your pc's hard drive or to a pc formatted floppy. (the driver was written by Mark Crossley of Cisco systems and is freely distributable) in windows go to the control panel and double click on modems (there maybe some slight differences in this procedure if you are using win95a, im using win95b and i seem to remeber some minor differences) Select dont detect my modem, i will select it from a list, then click next Click have disk, and browse to the where you put the null modem driver and press ok. Now select Generic NULL modem from the displayed list and click next. Select the com port which you plugged your null modem into and click next. Windows should now report that its installing your new modem, after a few moments and if all went well itll will say your modem is set up, click finish. now in the modem properites dialog you should see your null modem listed as well as any other "real" modem you have on your system. Next we have to change a setting in the null modem driver, so select it from the list and press properties. All the settings are fine to leave alone, except for speed, set that to 57600, you may be able to set this higher, in fact if you have a powerfull machine you will want to do this, but for the moment set it to 57600 as this is known to work, and it will help in debugging if you have a problem. Now that the null modem is installed we must make a dialup connection for it to dial to the amiga. go to dialup networking and double click on make new connection give your connection a name such as Amiga SLIP. Select the null modem and click next. type in any phone number and location, its not important because we wont actually be dialing out, windows just wants this information. Then click next. And then click finish. Now you should see a new connection in dialup networking called Amiga SLIP (or whatever you named it to) Select it and right click on it and select properties. Select the server tab and make sure the server type is set to PPP windows 95, Windows nt 3.5 internet. Now uncheck all of the boxes except for tcp/ip. Now click on tcp/ip settings. click on specify an ip address and enter make sure below this, server assigned name server addresses is selected. check use ip header compression, and leave use default gateway unchecked. Now click ok and then click ok again. At this point the pc is almost configured for the tcp/ip connection, all that remains for you to do is make a textfile. open up notepad and enter this windows amiga save the file into your windows directory naming it HOSTS. Make sure it is actually called HOSTS and has no file extention, notepad may save it as HOSTS.TXT this will not work, if this is the case manually go to your windows dir and rename it to HOSTS now reboot the pc, its almost ready for the connection. Once the pc has restarted install winproxy (you can use another proxy/firewall program if you like, but this one worked for me) setup winproxy on your server (, the machine with the modem) to proxy, http , ftp, socks 4 and socks 5 and any other services you may require, the only really important thing to change is the socks server port, change that to 1280. if you get stuck setting up winproxy read the help file that came with it, everything is covered there. once this is done, the pc is ready. Now we have to setup up on the amiga. setting up on the amiga ======================= Open up miami, we shall just change whats needed, the rest can be left as default. in the interface settings: serial driver (ppp/cslip/ip) driver: serial.device unit 0 speed: 57600 protocol:async PPP flow control: rts/cts eof mode: auto serial mode: 8n1 ip type : static ip address: multicasts disabled mtu :1005 then click ok in the tcp/ip settings: uncheck dynamic hostname hostname: amiga real name : your name user name : your user name check use ICMP uncheck all other check boxes then click ok in the modem settings: check null modem then click ok in the socks settings: check enable socks default socks server : port 1280 maximum syslog level: none authentication method : none then click ok Now go to the database settings, theres a toggle gadget with several sections, we'll only mention those that have to be changed, the rest can be left on the default settings. in the hosts settings of the database ------------------------------------- there may already be some entrys here, if there are delete or disable them. now add two new entries, ip: name:windows ip: name:amiga in the dns settings of the database ----------------------------------- add a dns server of ip : in the socks settings of the database ------------------------------------- add a socks server of type : socks5 command : hosts : windows ports : 1280 now save your settings and exit miami. Now you are finished setting up miami. But before we connect up to the net we have to change the settings for your browser. Open your browser up, im using voyager, but it should be the same for other browsers. In Voyager go to the setings and select net settings, check use http proxy,and enter host port 80 leave the ftp and other proxys unchecked and blank, they will work via the socks already set up in miami. click ok save the new settings and leave voyager. now we are finally ready to connect to the net, restart both machines. How to connect to the net ========================= on the pc connect to the internet as usual, when you are online go to the amiga and start miami and click online, the dialer window will open and wait for a connection, now on the pc double click on your amiga SLIP connecton (the one you made before in dialup networking) when it says connecting, go back to miami and click send break. If all goes well you will see miami find the ip numbers and after which you will be online. Thats it, you can now run all your internet programs as usual, not to mention have the ability to surf on two machines simultainiously. Try running your browser irc or ftp programs, if all went well then you can feel happy with yourself as you have achived the so called "impossible" Problems? ========= It should have worked, go back over the text again slowly to make sure you've not missed anything. If you're sure you've done everything that i've said and it still doesn't work then drop me an email on please note i will only answer questions related to the setups mentioned in this text, i WILL NOT answer any questions related to winproxy or any other proxy server you may be trying to set up, please don't send me any mail on this subject, if you do, then don't expect a reply as i'll simply just ignore them. Send them to the people at winproxy as they get paid to answer such questions! Finally if it works for you and it pleases you, drop me a thank you email, it may inspire me to figure out PLIP :) greetings from LFO ================== a special thanks must go to SCA for pointing me in the right direction on getting this project to work. (SCA: now with this text file you should have your SLIP working too :) greets (in no order) go out to... Lutka, Tweek, Vention, Sneeze, Hallis, Mortimer Twang, Orlingo, Azure, Parsec, Vovse, Guffaw, Emoon, Zack, Psycho, Kalms, Kalsu, Grace, Kuu (idle child), POW, Zany, that Buzz whore and the many more sceners i've inevitably missed... greets also to those low ping guys at InnerLoop who keep fragging me... (shorty:i got my revenge though on that other server eh :)